To donate by check, follow these 4 steps:

(To donate by credit card, use Network for Good  or PayPal.


1. Tell us how to use your donation

Patient Assistance Fund
Education Fund
Training of Therapists
Clinical and Policy research
Scholarships and grants
Discretionary fund . . . for whatever is most needed


2. Print this form before or after you enter the following donor information

Address 1:
Address 2:
Phone (optional):
Amount of donation ($25 / 50 / 100 / 250 / 500 / other):

Other donation:


3. Write check, payable to: “The BTER Foundation.”


4. Mail this form and check to:

The BTER Foundation
36 Urey Court
Irvine, CA 92617
Phone: 330-644-0217
Fax: 949-679-3001
E-Mail: [email protected]


Thank you for your support!

You may also pay by credit card  or even contact the BTER Foundation directly  to make your contributions.