Brundage et. al. Biotherapy Journal Review Summer 2016

Reviewer: Frank Stadler, BSc Hon, doctoral candidate Journal Citation Brundage AL, Crippen TL, Tomberlin JK. Methods for external disinfection of blow fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) eggs prior to use in wound debridement therapy. Wound Repair Regen. 2016. doi: 10.1111/wrr.12408. Published Abstract Maggot debridement therapy (MDT) is the use of the larval stage of flies (i.e., Calliphoridae) to…

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Eskesen et. al. Biotherapy Journal Review Summer 2016

Reviewer: Ronald Sherman, MD Journal Citation Eskesen D, Jespersen L, Michelsen B, Whorwell PJ, Müller-Lissner S, Morberg CM. Effect of the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis, BB-12®, on defecation frequency in healthy subjects with low defecation frequency and abdominal discomfort: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial. Br J Nutr. 2015 Nov 28;114(10):1638-46. Published Abstract…

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Stein et. al. Biotherapy Journal Review Spring 2016

Helminthic Therapy Reviews Journal Citation Stein M, Greenberg Z, Boaz M, Handzel ZT, Meshesha MK, and Bentwich Z. The Role of Helminth Infection and Environment in the Development of Allergy: A Prospective Study of Newly-Arrived Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel. PLoS.Negl.Trop.Dis. 2016; 10(1):e0004208 Published Abstract Helminth infection may be protective against allergy and account for the…

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d’Ettorre et. al. Biotherapy Journal Review Spring 2016

Probiotics and Bacteriotherapy Reviews Journal Citation: d’Ettorre G, Ceccarelli G, Giustini N, Serafino S, Calantone N, De Girolamo G, Bianchi L, Bellelli V, Ascoli-Bartoli T, Marcellini S, Turriziani O, Brenchley JM, Vullo V. Probiotics Reduce Inflammation in Antiretroviral Treated, HIV-Infected Individuals: Results of the “Probio-HIV” Clinical Trial. PLoS One. 2015 Sep 16;10(9):e0137200. Published Abstract BACKGROUND: …

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Winter 2016 Biotherapy Journal Review – Diaz-Roa et. al.

Maggot Therapy Reviews Journal Citation: Diaz-Roa, A, Gaona, MA, Segura, NA, Ramirez-Hernandez, A, Cortes-Vecino, JA, Patarroyo, MA, and Bello, F. Evaluating Sarconesiopsis magellanica blowfly-derived larval therapy and comparing it to Lucilia sericata-derived therapy in an animal model. Acta Trop. 2016; 154:34-41. Published Abstract Larval therapy is used as alternative treatment for hard-to-heal chronic and infected…

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Bischoff – Winter 2016 Biotherapy Journal Review

Probiotics and Bacteriotherapy Reviews Journal Citation: Bischoff, SC. Microbiota and aging. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2016; 19(1):26-30 Published Abstract This article summarizes our current knowledge of changes in the intestinal microbiota in elderly people and centenarians. RECENT FINDINGS: Age-related processes comprise specific changes in the intestinal microbiota and related metabolic alterations. They result…

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