Welcome to our frequently asked questions page for other biotherapies! Currently, none of them are written, but we do have general information pages and associated links for you to obtain more information. If you have a specific question you would like answered, please post it in our biotherapy forum and someone will answer it.


Bacteriophage Therapy

Please visit our Bacteriophage therapy page and the associated links for information about bacteriophage therapy.


Bee Venom Therapy

Please visit our Bee Venom page and the associated links for information about bee venom therapy.



Please visit our Ichthyotherapy page and the associated links for information about ichthyotherapy.


Canine Olfactory Detection

Please visit our Canine Olfactory Detection page and the associated links for information about canine olfactory detection.


Pet Therapy & Hippotherapy

Please visit our Pet Therapy and Hippotherapy page and the associated links for information about pet therapy and hippotherapy.


Service Animals

Please visit our Service Animals page and the associated links for information about service animals.